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作者:吴李玲 发布时间:2022-07-09 10:31:52 更新时间:暂无 阅读:36469 投诉 下载本文

这本书的附录中列出了从西班牙的法军那里缴获的许多密码文件(1分),这些文件的秘密由英国总部的一位军官乔治·斯科维尔(George Scovell)揭露了出来(1分)。



Section I Use of English

1. [A] coined

2. [C] compared

3. [D] Though

4. [C] hinted at

5. [D] differs

6. [B] evidence

7. [C] argued

8. [B] forming

9. [A] analogous

10. [D] even

11. [C] perspective

12. [B] reducing

13. [A] However

14. [C] superficially

15. [B] level

16. [D] added

17. [A] chances

18. [A] danger

19. [D] recognizes

20. [B] poor

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1

21. [A] maintaining their plastic items

22. [C] inherently flawed

23. [D] prevent them from further damage

24. [D] challenging

25. [B] has profound historical significance

Text 2

26. [C] Reassess the necessity of college education

27. [B] the shrinking value of degree

28. [C] employers are taking a realistic attitude to degrees

29. [D] further their studies in the specified field

30. [A] Lifelong learning will define them.

Text 3

31. [B] received favorable responses

32. [A] art can offer audiences easy access to science

33. [A] their role may be underestimated

34. [B] it exemplified the value of art-science alliances.

35. [C] should do more than communicating science

Text 4

36. [D] protect the rights of ordinary workers

37. [A] hinder business development

38. [D] Dismissing poorly performing managers.

39. [B] Employees suffer salary cut.

40. [D] is difficult to put into practice

Part B

41. [F] Zoos should have been closed down as they prioritize money making over animals' wellbeing.

42. [C] While animals in captivity deserve sympathy, zoos play a significant role in starting young people down the path of related sciences.

43. [A] Zoos, which spare no effort to take care of animals, should not be subjected to unfair criticism.

44. [D] Zoos save people trips to wilderness areas and thus contribute to wildlife conservation.

45. [G] Marris distorts our findings, which actually prove that zoos serve as an indispensable link between man and nature.

Part C

46. 这场斗争也是一场编写密码者和破译密码者之间展开的战争(1分),但是,这一点甚至对那些熟知这一时期历史的人们来说都是未知的(1分)。

47. 这本书的附录中列出了从西班牙的法军那里缴获的许多密码文件(1分),这些文件的秘密由英国总部的一位军官乔治·斯科维尔(George Scovell)揭露了出来(1分)。

48. 阿曼(Oman)无法仔细分析这位名不见经传的军官对那场国家间的伟大斗争有没有做出贡献(1分),也确实无法告诉我们任何有关此人的更多事情(1分)。

49. 在拿破仑战争时期,也许存在很多的间谍和情报官员(1分),但通常难以找到他们实际提供或者破译的情报资料(1分)。

50. 正如破解密码对于西班牙之战更为重要(1分),斯科维尔加官进爵的尝试也将英国社会形态体现得淋漓尽致(1分)。

Section III Writing

Part A

51. 小作文考查邀请信,需要满足以下要求:

1) 首段包含自我介绍和写信目的句,明确信件类型。(各占1分,共2分)

2) 第二段需要明确交代活动时间,地点;活动安排或目的意义;邀请对方参加的目的或期待。(各占2分,共6分)

3) 第三段需包含再次强调写信目的,表达期待到来或者回信。(各占1分,共2分)

4) 注意,信件格式,格式出错扣两分。格式包含称呼,结束语和署名。

5) 范文不是唯一答案,只需内容思路一致即可。

6) 单词拼写错误,每2个错别字扣0.5分。

Part B

52. 大作文得分要点要求如下:

1) 首段需要简单描述图画内容,总起一句话引出1分,环境描写1分,两个女孩的描述各自2分(共6分)

2) 中间段需要详细阐述图画意义,总起主题句 1分,摆事实阐述外因2分,阐述好处2分,举例论证2分,反面论证2分(共10分)

3) 尾段需要总结建议,总起承上启下句1分,两条建议句2分,展望句1分。(共4分)

4) 范文不是唯一答案,只需内容思路一致即可。

5) 单词拼写错误,每2个错别字扣0.5分。